Welcome to the 2nd International Academic Conference on Optics and Photonics (IACOP2024)



IACOP - Use Photonics, Connect the World.

With the development of information society represented by optical information, mankind will enter the photonic era. Photonics emerges after electronics and optoelectronic, developing vigorously in various fields such as electric power, petroleum, rail transit, medical treatment, chemical industry, aerospace and national defense. The field of Optics and Photonics is gaining importance in communication systems.

Under this background, IACOP aims to bring together international experts, scholars and industry elite, to build a platform marked by diversity, openness and innovation, and to promote innovation and industrial application in the fields of optics and photonics. That is, Use Photonics, Connect the World. IACOP welcomes in-depth peer-reviewed insights and outputs on basic research, applications or enhancements of photonics- based technologies, with a special focus on Information Optics.

The 2nd International Academic Conference on Optics and Photonics (IACOP2024) will be held during November 22-24, 2024 in Haikou, China, which is organized by the School of Information Engineering, Nanchang University, China and the School of Physics, Hefei University of Technology, China, co-organized by Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Signal Processing and Intelligent Communication, Jiangxi Provincial Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Medical Information Detection and Internet of Things, Electronic Information Professional Committee of Jiangxi High-level Talent Association. It features Keynote Speech given by renowned scholars, invited talks, oral and poster presentations with broad coverage and popular topics. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to cordially invite experts and student scholars from academia and industry to participate in IACOP 2024!





Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Signal Processing and Intelligent Communication

Jiangxi Provincial Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Medical Information Detection and Internet of Things

Electronic Information Professional Committee of Jiangxi High-level Talent Association

Our Guests


Prof. You Wang

National Distinguished Professor of China with the Southwest Institute of Technical Physics, China

Prof. Lei Yan

Professor of Earth & Space Science School (RS&GIS Institute), Peking University, China...

Prof. Weiqing Gao

Executive Dean of School of Physics, Hefei University of Technology, China

Prof. Qiegen Liu
President of School of Information Engineering, Nanchang University, China

Prof. Yang Yue

Professor with the School of Information and Communications Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China...

Conference Proceedings


IACOP2024 accepted and presented papers will be published in International Conference Proceedings by SPIE (ISSN: 0277-786X), submitted to Ei Compendex, Scopus, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and other scholarly indexes, to ensure maximum awareness of the Proceedings.

IACOP2024 Special Sessions


IACOP-BDOT'24: Breaking Developments of Optical Technology

Session Chair: You Wang, Southwest Institute of Technical Physics, China; Weiqing Gao, Hefei University of Technology, China

Invited Speakers: 

Guijun Hu, Jilin University, China
Meisong Liao, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS
Tonglei Cheng, Northeastern University, China
Guanshi Qin, Jilin University, China
Nan Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Zhigang Yin, Chongqing University, China

Bing Chen, Hefei University of Technology, China
Xiaohui Li, Shaanxi Normal University, China
Chengliang Zhu, Northeastern University, China
Yuxuan Ren, Fudan University, China
Hongju Li, Hefei University of Technology, China
Wentan Fang, Hefei University of Technology, Chinas

IACOP-ICO'24: Imaging and Computational Optics

Session Chair: Yonghui Liang, College of Advanced and Disciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, China; Xianlin Song, School of Information Engineering, Nanchang University, China

Invited Speakers: 

Qiurong Yan, Nanchang University, China
Zibang Zhang, Jinan University, China
Lei Gong, University of Science and Technology of China

Weichao Yan, Nanchang University, China
Dejian Zhang, Nanchang University, China
Wenbo Wan, Nanchang University, China

IACOP-OSM'24: Optical Sensor and Measurement

Session Chair: Muguang Wang, Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Muguang Wang, PhD supervisor, In 2004, he joined the Institute of Lightwave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, where he is currently a Full Professor, and Associate Director. Dr. Wang was a recipient of the New Century Excellent Talents in University (Ministry of Education) in 2010, Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher in 2014, and Beijing Nova of Science and Technology in 2008. His current research interests mainly include Optical Fiber Sensing, Microwave Photonics, Optical Fiber Components and Communications.

IACOP-MWP'24: Microwave Photonics

Session Chair: Zhiyao Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Invited Speakers: 

Yiying Gu, Dalian University of Technology, China
Xiaopeng Xie, Peking University, China
Yang Chen, East China Normal University, China
Liangjun Lu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Peng Xie, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS
Jianghai Wo, Jinan University, China

Jingzhan Shi, Nanjing Normal University, China
Bin Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Tengfei Hao, Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
Zhen Zeng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Lingjie Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Zhiqiang Fan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

IACOP-BO'24: Biomedical Optics

Session Chair: Nan Zeng, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China
Nan Zeng received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2000 and 2005, respectively. Since 2010, she has been an Associate Professor with the International Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. In recent years, she focuses on optical modeling and simulation, tissue and cell microscopic imaging, high-throughput dynamic detection and analysis of suspended particles, as well as the above applications and instrumentations in cross fields such as biomedicine.

IACOP-OCSN'24: Optical Communication Systems and Networks

Session Chair: Tao Yang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; Jing Zhang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Tao Yang (Member, OSA/IEEE) received a Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2019. He is currently an associate professor with State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, BUPT. His research interests include high-speed optical transmission, optical interconnection and optical access networks, and intelligent optical network performance monitoring.

IACOP-PAI'24: Photoacoustic Imaging

Session Chair: Xianlin Song, Nanchang University, China; Yachao Zhang, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Invited Speakers: 
Yachao Zhang, Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, CAS
Li Qi, Southern Medical University, China
Haigang Ma, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Chao Liu, Fudan University, China
Jingyi Zhu, City University of Hong Kong, China
Xiufeng Li, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS

IACOP-ADHI' 24: Advanced Displays and Human-computer Interaction

Session Chair: Qiegen Liu, Nanchang University; Weijie Guo, Xiamen University
Qiegen Liu received the PhD degree in biomedical engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Since 2012, he has been with the School of Information Engineering, Nanchang University, China, where he is currently a professor and president. His current research interests include sparse representations, deep learning and their applications in image processing, computer vision and MRI reconstruction.

IACOP Reviewers (More)


Villin Sun, Bejjing Institute of Technology
Te Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hailang Dai, Shanghai Jliao Tong University
Chonge Wang, Changchun University of Science and Technology
Da Mou, Changchun University of Science and Technology
Chao Li, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shengfang Lu, Nanjing Institute of Technology
Dawei Li, Dalian University of Technology
Jianmin Xiong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
He Ding, School of Optics and Photonics, Beijing Institute of Technology
Tingchao He, Shenzhen University
Xuejin Li, Shenzhen University
Qixing Wang, Xiamen University

Jingxuan Wei, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Zhonghuai Wu, Beijing Institute of Technology
Haibin Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Benjian Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Nan Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Shengfang Lu, Nanjing Institute of Technology
Xunsi Wang, Ningbo University
Chao Mei, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhengjun Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Qi Xiao, Northeastern University
Yongjing Wu, Beijing University of Technology
Shengxuan Xia, Hunan University

IACOP2024 is now available at Official Website and WeChat OA of the School of Information Engineering, Nanchang University!

IACOP2024 is now available at Official Website of the School of Physics, Hefei University of Technology!

IACOP2024 is now available at the WeChat OA of CSOE CITA!



24-02-23 All papers in IACOP2023 proceedings have been included in Ei Compendex, Scopus!

24-02-22 IACOP2024 honored to work with SPIE again!

24-01-31 IACOP2023 proceedings have been included in SPIE digital library! Publication link.

23-12-22 Warmly welcome Prof Yang Yue (Xi'an Jiaotong University) as Conference Chair, Prof Gefeson Mendes Pacheco (Aeronautics Institute of Technology) as Conference Co-chair and Prof. Ping Lu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) as TPC Chair!

23-11-20 IACOP 2024 has been launched. Welcome to join us as keynote speakers, attendees and paper contributors!

23-11-01 IACOP 2023 online conference was successfully held, thanks to all delegates for your strong support, a retrospect is available to visit.

Call for Papers


IACOP welcomes in-depth peer-reviewed insights and outputs on basic research, applications or enhancements of photonics and optoelectronics-based technologies, with a special focus on Information Optics.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Optical communication
  • Optical Sensor
  • Optical Computing
  • Optoelectronics
  • Optical Signal Processing
  • Optical Pattern Recognition
  • Optical Data Storage
  • Optical Neural Network

Contact Us


For any inquiries about the conference, or cooperation proposals, please feel free to contact us.

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About Haikou
Ecological city Haikou, also known as “Coconut City”, is the southernmost and only tropical sea-island provincial capital of China. Located at N20°, Haikou is far away from cold winter and haze. It boasts balmy weather all year around, with annual average temperature of 24.3℃. It is a place with abundant sunshine, clear sea water, clean and fine beaches, dancing coconut trees, colorful sailboards floating far out at sea. Being ranked among Top 3 happiness cities of China three years in a row, Haikou is a coastal holiday destination with sunshine and clean air as a high-quality international tourism city that leaves tourists to linger around and enjoy life.